Local Resources to Assist or Deepen Your Equity-Focused Work
The content of this page is intended to serve as a resource for people looking to connect with locally available coaches and local businesses that provide support in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We reached out to a variety of community partners we work with in Fargo-Moorhead to create this list. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather a starting point. If you have an organizational or personal development resource that you believe is missing, please do not hesitate to fill out the short form at the bottom of this page where you can submit additional resources.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped us develop this list!
Resource Directories
211 - 211 connects you to expert, caring help. Every call is completely confidential.
First Link - FirstLink is a free, confidential service offering listening and support, referrals to resources/help, and crisis intervention 24 hours a day.
**Translation services are available to navigate the resources**
Organizational Assessments and Coaching, including IDI
Certified Translation Services
Family Healthcare Center Interpreting & Translation Services
Jihan Brifki, Licensed Kurdish Interpreter - 218-329-0466